Sunday, 17 April 2016

Gears of War Ultimate Edition

Gears of War Ultimate Edition Windows 10

I have played a lot of Gears of War. When I first saw gameplay footage of Gears multiplayer I was floored. It looked incredible, and when it came out it turned out it actually was incredible. I had never played a game like it before. The chainsaw making chunks of beef out of other players was amazing and so fun to watch. The curb stomp was such an F-U to whoever you did it to and made you feel badass.

I played quite a lot, but not as much as those people who got the Seriously achievement , but for an average gamer, I put in some serious hours. The game was also released on PC and I didn't get that for quite a few years later, mainly because I could never find a copy of the game. I finally did years later, but by that time online multiplayer was long dead. Also, to this day you need a patch for the game after you install it, and finding that patch isn't easy. Without it, the game things youre running a modified version of the EXE file and wont start.
(Ultimate VS Original)

Anyway, MS released Ultimate Edition for Xbox One in August of 2015. The PC version came out recently in 2016. There were reports of the game not running well on release. I wouldn't know about that because I picked it up more recently. Also people complain that the game only runs in Windows 10 and can only be bought through the Microsoft Online Store.

If you're wearing a tinfoil had and cursing Windows 10 for trying to spy on you and sell your data , just read this because I don't want to do a write-up about it. Read This

MS is offering Windows 10 free to anyone with a valid windows 7 or 8 Key. I suggest taking them up on the offer since its their most solid OS so far and really runs fast.

Back to the game. The Ultimate Edition has enhanced graphics (uses Direct X 12) and has the extra mission from the original PC version. The game also features the same terrible AI that the original had. During the campaign in act 1 there is a section where you break off to either the left or right and I chose left. So me and Carmine went that way while Dom and Ming went right. On my path I had a Troika blocking me so I had to wait for the AI buddies to flank and take out the gunner. They refused to though. They stood in the room beside the gunner and wouldn't do anything. I went to check on Carmine and he was a few rooms back in a doorway spinning.

So I had to reload and choose the right path. The campaign also doesn't seem to run as smooth as the multiplayer. Campaign seems stuck at 30 Frames Per Second while MP feels like a much smoother 60. I hope that gets fixed. Also campaign has texture issues. Some don't seem to fully load , so some textures will look great and others will look terrible.

Movement is the exact same. You are pretty much moving your stiff tank around the levels by roadie running and wall bouncing. Its not very fluid but its just like you remember and once you get used to it its second nature.

The sound effects seem a bit weak to me. Especially the shotgun blast sound effect. Also the chainsaw rev is so weak sometimes I cant tell if its revving or not.

The cutscenes have been redone and look great. They also changed up the look of a couple characters. Most notable are Hoffman and Anya. As for how the game runs... I run it on high settings and I'm using a GTX 660 Ti and on those settings it runs great. I can't turn it up to Ultra settings though but I will be upgrading to a 970 or 980 to keep up with newer games.

On High though, the game runs smooth and I haven't noticed any stuttering or slowdown.

Multiplayer is fun. It felt great to jump back in to Gears 1 MP. As I said the MP runs really smooth and is back to the 4 on 4 gameplay. It also has more characters than the original game did. This one features characters from Gears 3 and because of the addition , you will miss characters that didn't get added. Like Kai and Bernie.

You do get to play as Anya and Jace and even thrashball Cole and thrashball locust. There are also a variety of gun skins to use. Most characters are unlocked from the start but others are unlocked by leveling up.

Unfortunately I have only been able to play one game type. Team Deathmatch. No other modes seem to have players in them which is a shame.

If you love Gears of War and want to play gears 1 style multiplayer again with added bonuses then you wont really go wrong with the low player base exception.

If you have been there and done that and don't care for playing the campaign again and or aren't a big fan of the multiplayer, then pass on this game completely There isn't enough new content to make this game feel fresh. I personally enjoy both aspects and also wanted to support the game in hopes of seeing a Gears of War 4 PC release.

To end things off here is some multiplayer video and the first ten minutes of campaign from both ultimate and original.

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