Sunday, 31 January 2016

Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster has just released on PC and consoles not long ago, but I decided to play through RE 5 again just because. I actually really like RE 5. I know that lots of people didn't like the way that the series started to go in the direction of action and not very survival horror anymore, but I think it was just a natural transition over the course of so many years.

What happens in the story? I don't really know all the details. I know that Chris is looking for Jill and for some reason shes under control of Wesker with some thing on her chest..... Honestly I don't play these games for the story as they are pretty weak for the most part.

There are other characters in this game that I have no idea why they are there other than to turn into monster bosses for me to kill. Irving? Some other woman? I don't know. Though I do know Wesker and hes pretty bad ass. I liked fighting him in this game.

I also really like Sheva. She's a fun new character to the series and I hope they use her again at some point. She should have been Chris' partner instead of the new guy in RE 6, but ah well.

The locations in the game look great. I love the outdoor sections in Africa the most, but all the locations are pretty interesting. The enemies are pretty neat too. I love the crazy look on the faces of the villagers who are raging and coming to take your head off at every turn.

This is a typical Resident Evil game, where you go through the levels, pick up ammo and health as well as picking up money and jewels to sell so you can buy ammo , new weapons or upgrade weapon in between levels. As long as you upgrade your guns the game isn't that hard on normal. I cant remember how Veteran was, but I know that for Professional , you pretty much need a human co-op partner because the AI one will get killed and get you killed far too much.

There is a on rails shooter part which I didn't like very much, but it's short and isn't as bad as rail sections in other games. The boss fights are pretty fun as well because you need to find out how to beat them and sometimes its obvious and other times not so obvious.

There is a good amount of replayability in this game, because of the 4 different difficulties, and the amount of guns you can unlock and upgrade. Also there are Emblems to find and shoot which unlocks some special feature in the menus. There are also 4 or 5 costumes for each character. When you finish the game once, you unlock new game + as well as mercenaries reunion which is like a horde mode which can be played in co-op.

Also, Capcom decided to finally release the Gold Edition DLC content that the consoles had and PC waited years to get afterwards. While I gave up on the PC ever getting this DLC I was surprised to hear an announcement from Capcom that the DLC was coming soon, and when it did, even though it was the full price of 15 dollars, I still bought it. Even though I already had the content for my xbox 360 edition of RE 5. Apparently it took 5 years to come to PC after launching for consoles......

I personally haven finished the DLC campaigns yet for either console or PC. I will soon though because what the heck am I waiting for? That's not completely true. I finished Lost in Nightmares, but not the Desperate Escape one. The DLC features Jill as playable which is neat.

I'm sure most of you have played Resident Evil 5, but if you haven't, it really is worth playing through a couple times. I have never seen the DLC go on sale on steam though so if you want that then its another 15 dollars. To me that's a bit pricey for old DLC but being a sucker for RE , I had to have it.

I'll probably get back to RE 6 soon playing a second time through as the secondary characters this time. RE 6 gets a bad rep but I don't get why.

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