Saturday, 18 February 2017

John Wick Chapter 2

Hopefully you saw the first John Wick and were as hyped as most people when they heard a sequel was coming. The first movie had some great action , a very simple plot and Keanu Reeves. The sequel has all that as well. The simple plot , Reeves and the action. This time though the action is even more ramped up.

The first John wick was pretty small in scope. John is a retired assassin who gets back to killing when some young mob boss' son decides he wants to beat him up and take his car and kill his dog. We learn about the assassin hotel called the Continental where we see other assassins as well, but mainly its John tracking the mob.

The sequel though tries to make John's world bigger by showing how widespread this assassin business really is. Homeless people are assassins, people in the subway playing violin are assassins, they are just everywhere. I feel that this was slightly detrimental to the film because with all this it made it feel like this doesn't take place in our world, like the first one could have.

So, as for the story, why does he go back to killing? Well, apparently he owed some bad guy a debt which was kept track on with a marker. This bad dude wants John to do something for him to pay back the debt which john apparently agreed to in exchange with helping with the impossible task we heard about in the first movie.

So, john eventually accepts the task and does it. Which leads up to a few great scenes including his killing his mark which was really well done , and then in a great action scene that John Wick is known for. One thing though I did not like. Before John went on his mission he got a bunch of gear including some suits. These suits have some special assassins material woven into it that makes it bullet proof.

So scenes showing John running from baddies with guns and having bullets bounce off of him made me cringe. I didn't like it. Other than that the actual action in the scene, the way it was shot and the music were all great.

John fights Common a few times through the movie. These fights were all great and mostly all close quarters fights and very intense. Great hand to hand and close quarters gun and knife fighting between these two which were a nice change from the non stop body shot, headshot of countless mob goons.

So, John completes his task, but as predicted he gets turned on right away and an open contract is taken out on John that has lots of people out to get him. So John is out to kill the guy who put out the contract and who he once owed a debt marker to.

Let me go back a bit. The opening of the movie takes place pretty soon after the first movie, and John is looking for his car..... He finds it with the help of John Leguizamo's character making some call. The beginning of this movie is crazy amazing action showing him get his car back which in the process takes so much damage that it barely makes it back to his home and he needs to have it completely repaired . The car doesn't make another appearance in the movie, but I have a feeling it will be back for part 3. Yes , there will be a part 3.

The action picks up in the third act after a slight slowdown in act 2 where he is getting his gear and so on, but it doesn't let up again once it starts. He kills so many people trying to get to the main guy. And its not so much action that it gets boring, its all entertaining and brutal.

John though does something that breaks the rules right at the end of the movie, which sets into motion a very intense end sequence that made me want to see John Wick 3 right now. Not an action packed ending, but very intense. The movies leaves John with no friends, no home, no help and nowhere to go. Just one debt marker given to him by the head of the continental. I hope they start on John Wick 3 right away. I cant wait another 3 years.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Killer Instinct Season 2

This is just a reminder for people that Killer Instinct Season 2 will be free starting tomorrow (January 16th) For Xbox LIVE gold members.
There are 4 seasons total at this point in the game and having half of it free is great. (first season was free a while back)

The great thing is that you don't need an XBOX ONE to claim the game. You can use an xbox 360, or go the the site to claim the game. Then either you can use this content for the PC version (which I do) or it will be in your digital library for if you ever upgrade to the XBOX ONE system.

You MUST have XBOX LIVE GOLD to claim this.

I haven't posted on this blog in ages. Though I hadn't played any games for a long time though. Hopefully I can start up again and keep this and my other blog content updated more frequently.

ANyway today I'm going to review a game called Bad Ass Babes!
The game is a side scrolling beat em up that features women wearing nothing but their underwear for the most part.

(Yes the options screen looks very messy)
After the intro and a brief description of the story which has to do with an alien invasion , you get to a character select screen and can choose one of two characters to start the game with. As you go through the game and beat bosses, they will join you and you can select them as playable characters from then on in the game. Though some bosses wont join you if you took a certain path through the level. The levels are linear but at points, a girl will show up and if you hit her she shows her boobs and opens a portal which takes you on an alternate path.

The characters are digitized actors and they look good for the most part. Each character has their own combos and special attacks. Special attacks can be done if you have enough green meter built up from collecting green orbs from breaking items or killing enemies.

Other than the side scrolling beat em up levels there are also side scrolling vehicle levels where you are on a motorcycle and people in cars and vans attack you. I didn't like these levels much because they are boring and its tough to not get hit and lose lives in these levels. Also no matter which character you pick for these levels, the sprite is the same so there really is not point to selecting a character for these parts.

There are also arcade shooter levels where you control a crosshair and enemies pop up on screen and you have to shoot them before they shoot you. You have a shield button you can hold down so that you don't get shot, and these levels are a decent break from the rest of the game and I liked them.

The game has gone through some changes in its short life. Some  bosses were replaced, then brought back but along with another boss , and enemy locations and frequency of appearing has changed. Through all the changes though the game has been fun to go through.

The game has flaws. For instance the story telling is horrible. Though the story is supposed to be cheesy so that didn't really bother me, but others might hate the game just for the bad writing and story.

Some bosses have moves that are near impossible to avoid and you can lose a few lives to this. Usually though once you figure out the pattern these fights get a lot easier.
Some of the sound effects are pretty bad. Like in the shooting levels when you bring up the shield and an enemy shoots it. The ping sound it ridiculous.

Those are small issues though and this is a cheap game so for the price and the amount of fun I had with it so far, the small issues are pretty insignificant.

The music in the game is pretty good. Its upbeat and to me it didn't get repetitive. I actually liked it and felt it didn't overwhelm the sounds in the game or distract me. It was pretty competent and suited the game pretty well.

This game is 10.99 on steam and I think it was even cheaper when I bought it. Its a fun simple game , but if you're offended by nudity then stay away because it has quite a bit of that. It also have an enemy that flashes you then sends out a giant penis to attack you.

I personally hope that this game gets a sequel because as cheesy as it is, its actually really fun and I have played through the game quite a few times now.