Mortal Kombat X PC Debacle.

Not too long ago on this blog I posted a review for Mortal Kombat X on PC and it was a positive review. That wont change because the game as it is now is pretty solid and still really fun to play. Though not everyone is having luck with running the game.
The game had a rocky launch. First of all some genius decided that the game should download in 29 separate chunks.....So some people would find that they all would not download correctly leaving the game running glitchy because of missing chunks of the game.
The big controversy with the game right now though, is that Ed and company (Netherrealm Studios and Warner Bros ) have essentially dropped support for the game on PC by not bringing Kombat Pack 2, or the new net code.
Technically, they are allowed to do this as it's in the User Agreement for the software. This however is a terrible precedent to set for gaming developers. To leave a big chunk of your fans behind with not so much as a reason or explanation that might help PC gamers understand why this was done. Instead, Ed and gang ghosted us. That's a dating term for when you stop all contact with someone you went on a date with. They might call or text asking what's going on, but you instead of manning up and letting the person down, just take the cowards way out and ignore and avoid the person so that you don't have to explain yourself.
The cowards way is the way Ed has chosen to take on this situation. Though lately he has been getting bold and trolling PC gamers with his "500,000" tweet. Gamers know this is the number give or take , of MKX copies sold on PC. The next day he posted that that was the amount of prize money to be given away at the next ESL tourney..... Good job Ed, you are solidifying your place in PC gaming history as the biggest douchebag in history.
No one is 100 percent sure who to blame for the drop of support. Some say Ed himself, others say Netherrealm Studios and some will say Warner Bros. Though WB had another PC game disaster with Batman Arkham Knight. The game was removed from steam for a while , then brought back with patches and more patches and more patches. They even gave us free DLC and all previous batman games for free to try to make up for the disaster.
The game got all DLC and still gets patches and support. MKX on the other hand, just got dropped.
Some say Ed blames PC gamers for whining about how badly optimised MKX was..... As if that is the fault of the gamers.....Seems like Ed cant take responsibility for not getting a decent team to port the PC version.
Look at the release of Killer Instinct. It came out yesterday and runs great at max settings even on mid range machines. On top of that , the online play is very very smooth.
Then you have smaller fighting games, that even with much less money than Netherrealm they still do what they can to bring their game to PC fans. I'm talking about Guilty Gear Xrd by Arc System Works.
We also have the newly released Street fighter 5 , and Capcom has not been known to abandon their PC game. Street fighter 4 on PC got all the updates and DLC and fixes so you can be assured that Street Fighter 5 will too.
Ed on the other hand has a bad track record with is games on PC. Injustice was a disaster. Online play barely worked since day one and it didn't get any patches or updates. Luckily we did get all the DLC but that's it. The game was unplayable online for the most part.
Before that we had Mortal Kombat 9. Again, we got all the DLC, but online was a shit show. Connecting with friends that lived 5 minutes away was a pain because it wouldn't work with any consistency. Did we get any patches to fix that? no. They just took the money from the initial sales and .... I don't know...jacked off with it. Which looks like what Ed is doing with MKX for PC.
The way he's trolling on twitter , it seems he's very proud of himself for doing it too. It's a horrible thing that happened with MKX on PC , especially when you basically give a chunk of your fans the middle finger and laugh.
The good thing is that other developers don't seem to be going along the same douchebag path that Ed is going down. We are seeing some great games coming to PC from some great developers and that is the trend while Ed Boon is the minority in his cowardly handling of the situation.
Go support devs that know how important their fans are, and ghost Ed like he did to us. Though taking some jabs at him on twitter can still be fun so vote in this poll I made.
Vote in this poll to take a jab at Boon. I post on his twitter all the time making jabs at him and MKX